Ósar and Borgarvirki

Stretching into the arctic waters of the Atlantic on Iceland's northeastern coast, the Vatnsnes Peninsula is usually over-looked, but has a couple worthwhile places at which to stop. At Ósar, there's a seal colony which lives on a sandbank just across a narrow stretch of water. And the Viking-era fort at Borgarvirki offers interesting history and a fantastic view of the region.

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Flying Over the Westfjords

We had spent an exhausting six days driving and camping around the Westfjords, the remote slice of land that makes up Iceland's northwestern corner. It was an amazing trip, but also amazingly tiring. "That's it!" we cried once back in the capital. "We's taken all the Westfjords we can take and we can't takes no more!" Little did we know, we'd return the very next day.

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