The Árbæjarsafn Open Air Museum

Upon arriving in the village of Árbær, I was amused by the men and women dressed in historical attire, toiling at tasks around the farm. But after an hour, I no longer registered their presence. And as the day progressed, I found myself worrying about the impending harvest back home. Would old Betsy survive another winter? Say, that's a fetching wench. I wonder whither she brings that bucket of mead, and what her dowry may be. And then my cellphone rang, snapping me back into reality.

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A Concise History of Iceland

Geologically speaking, Iceland is one of the Earth's newborns. The island didn't even exist until after the age of dinosaurs had passed, and it was the last European territory to be settled. Iceland continues to grow, still firmly in its adolescence, but its short history has been a volatile one. Whether they've been dealing with abusive Danes, glaciers, the plague or volcanic ash, Icelanders have had it rough. Here's a rundown of the biggest events in the country's history.

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